WEO012832K is a 2 inch Graphic OLED display which is featured with COG structure with Hot Bar FPC; made of resolution 128×32 dots. This module is built in with SSD1315 IC, it supports 6800/8080 8-bit parallel, I2C, and 4-Wire SPI interface, supply voltage for Logic 3V, 1/32 duty cycle.WEO012832K module supports internal Charge Pump supply and external VCC supply.
WEO012832K is PIN to PIN compatible to TAB OLED WEX012832A which has been EOL since IC phased out. The customers do not need to change the hardware, but have to change the initial code. This module is suitable for industrial device, smart home application, medical instrument, etc. WEO012832K module can be operating at temperatures from -40℃ to 80℃; its storage temperatures range from -40℃ to 85℃.