OLED Display supports I2C interface
Winstar WEO012832F is a popular small OLED display which is made of 128×32 pixels, diagonal size 0.91 inch, it’s very suitable for wearable device. The WEO012832F has the same mechanical dimension as WEO012832D but having different pin assignment and supports different interface. WEO012832F module is built in with SSD1306 controller IC; it supports I2C interface and having 14 pins FPC pintout. As to the WEO012832D module is also built in with SSD1306 IC but it communicates via SPI interface and having 15 pins FPC pinout.WEO012832F module supports internal Charge Pump supply and external VCC supply.
WEO012832F is a COG structure I2C OLED display, its controller is built-in voltage generation only need a single 3V power supply. This OLED supports I2C interface display module is lightweight, low power and small, this COG module is suitable for wall / meter devices, home applications, Cloud/IoT system, handheld instruments, intelligent technology devices, energy systems, automotive, communication systems, medical instrument, wearable device, etc. WEO012832F OLED module can be operating at temperatures from -40℃ to +80℃; its storage temperatures range from -40℃ to +85℃.