WF104GTWAMLNN0 is a 10.4-inch IPS TFT LCD with a resolution of 1024×768 pixels. It has module dimensions of 230 x 180.2 mm, an AA of 210.432 x 157.824 mm, and an aspect ratio of 4:3. Its brightness is 500 nits (typical value), its contrast ratio is 1000:1 (typical value), and it supports LVDS interfaces. WF104GTWAMLNN0 features IPS technology to present wider viewing angles of Left:80 / Right:80 / Up:80 / Down:80 degrees (typical value). The module has keyholes on the back for users to easily fix the display with applications.
The supply voltage (VDD) range of WF104GTWAMLNN0 is from 3.0V to 3.6V; the typical value is 3.3V. The display can perform at a wide operating temperature range from -30℃ to +80℃, and its storage temperature covers from -30℃ to +80℃. The display is perfect for measuring equipment, industrial control devices, testing instruments, POS systems, automatic payment machines, etc.