WO1602I3 and WO1602I5 are two models of 16 characters by 2 lines of COG LCD, part number WO1602I, with a PCB board on the module. WO1602I3 and WO1602I5 are built-in with the ST7032i IC, supporting the I2C interface. The advantage of WO1602I3/WO1602I5 is the circuit layout on the PCB board and the presence of screw holes, which makes the modules easy to fix onto customers’ applications. Additionally, there are three connector pitch sizes available: 2.54mm (default), 1.0mm, and 0.5mm.
The supply voltage for the logic (VDD) of WO1602I3 is 3.3V, while for the WO1602I5, it is 5V, with a 1/16 duty cycle and 1/5 bias. The module can operate at temperatures ranging from -20℃ to +70℃, and its storage temperature ranges from -30℃ to +80℃. WO1602I3 and WO1602I5 are available in FSTN positive Transflective LCD and come with a White LED backlight. Please contact us if you need different types of LCDs or LED combinations.