WO12864K and WO12864K1 models are monochrome COG graphic LCD modules made of 128×64 dot matrix format. WO12864K/WO12864K1 COG Module is built in with ST7565 IC, it supports 8-bit 6800, 8-bit 8080 parallel and 4-wire serial SPI interface, power supply voltage 3V, VOP 9.5V, 1/65 duty. The WO12864K item is adopted ST7565V IC which is built-in with negative voltage, as to the WO12864K1 item is adopted ST7565P IC which is built- in with positive voltage.
This module can be operating at temperatures from -20℃ to +70℃; its storage temperatures range from -30℃ to +80℃. WO12864K/K1 are available in STN Negative, Blue Transmissive LCD and with White LED backlight. Please contact us if you need different types of LCDs or LED combinations.