WEO012864AJ is a 2.42-inch COG structure Graphic OLED display, made of resolution 128×64 pixels. This module is built-in with CH1116 IC; it can be communicated via I2C, 4-line SPI, 6800 or 8080 parallel interface; supply voltage for logic is 3V (typical value), the supply voltage for display 13V (typical value), 1/64 driving duty. WEO012864AJ series has ZIF FPC, and Hotbar FPC versions optional.
WEO012864AJ model is ideal for smart home applications, financial-POS, Cloud/IoT systems, intelligent technology devices, energy systems, communication systems, medical instruments, etc. This module can be operating at temperatures from -40℃ to +80℃; its storage temperatures range from -40℃ to +85℃.