WEO012832N is a 2.23” COG Graphic OLED display, made of resolution of 128×32 pixels. This module is built-in with SH1106 IC; it can be communicated via 6800 or 8080 parallel, 4-line SPI, and I2C interfaces; the supply voltage for display 12V (typical value), 1/32 driving duty, the supply voltage of logic is 3.0V (typical value), and the current with 50% checkerboard display is 15mA @ 12V VCC (for white color). The WEO012832N model is an IC alternative solution to the WEO012832A model; the electrical characteristics and PFC pin definition are the same. Customers have to adjust the initial code only.WEO012832N module supports internal Charge Pump supply and external VCC supply.
WEO012832N model is ideal for smart home applications, m-POS, IoT systems, intelligent technology devices, energy systems, communication systems, medical instruments, EV charging, etc. This module can be operating at temperatures from -40℃ to +80℃; its storage temperatures range from -40℃ to +85℃.