WEO012864AB is a 0.96″ 128 x 64 Graphic OLED with a dual Color OLED Display; the standard color is yellow/sky blue only. It is a convenient way for customers to show lots of information in an easy-to-read display by using two separate colors (yellow and sky blue). This WEO012864AB Color OLED display module is built-in with SSD1315 IC; it supports 6800, 8080 parallel, 3 or 4-wire SPI, I2C interfaces; 1/64 driving duty. WEO012864AB model is an IC alternative solution to the WEO012864M model; WEO012864AB has a narrow border of the panel than WEO012864M, but the electrical characteristics and PFC pin definition are the same. Customers have to adjust the initial code only.WEO012864AB module supports internal Charge Pump supply and external VCC supply.
This Dual Color OLED module is suitable for medical devices, especially blood oxygen machines, etc. WEO012864AB module can be operating at temperatures -30℃ to +70℃; its storage temperatures range from -30℃ to +70℃.