WEO012864V is a 128×64 resolution COG graphic OLED display module, diagonal size 0.96 inch. The model is designed as consumer grade which is having the advantage of competitive price. The module is built-in with SSD1315 IC; it supports I2C and 3-wire /4-wire SPI serial interface. The supply voltage for logic is 3V, supply voltage for display is 7.5V, display with 50% check board current is 6mA @ 7.5Vcc (typical value), driving duty 1/64.WEO012864V module supports internal Charge Pump supply and external VCC supply.
This 0.96 inch COG Graphic OLED module is suitable for wearable device, smart home applications and etc. This module can be operating at temperatures from -30℃ to +70℃; its storage temperatures range from -30℃ to +70℃.